
Our achievements :
films that engage

FLICHY GRANGE AVOCATS – Teleworking: what you need to know

For Flichy Grangé Avocats, we produced this video using images from the biggest agencies to make it clear how teleworking works.


We went to discover the Sensient company.

CASTERMAN – The Crocodiles are still there

CASTERMAN commissioned eight videos from us for their album releases dealing with social issues. This time we worked on the comic, The Crocodiles are still there by Juliette Boutant and Thomas Mathieu.

PROPRIETES PRIVEES – Become an independent advisor

For Propriétés Privées, we produced this video to promote the profession of real estate adviser thanks to a dynamic editing of agency videos. Propriétés Privées comments : "The quick understanding of the challenge and the responsiveness were the most impressive thing about this collaboration."

IMMO RÉSEAU – Current mandate

For Immo Réseau, we have created thanks to a montage of the most beautiful agency videos, a video to allow them to communicate with their real estate advisors during confinement.
Immo Réseau comments: "Everyone is delighted with this video and we had additional leads thanks to it. "

HOME HUNTERS – Recruit your future hunters

In this video for Home Hunters we help them communicate to find their future apartment hunters.

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