The video production after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic we have been through since March 2020 has changed the way we work and communicate. After covid-19 the video production request explosed!
We slowly come back to our lives before, public places reopen, we walk without masks, there are no more gauges in stores. However, the introduction of telework and remote collaboration are elements that will probably remain in our routine regardless of the health situation.
We’re going to give you three types of post-COVID video that really hit the fan. If you want to be convinced, check out our Portfolio page or our YouTube channel.
We are now used to taking classes remotely, attending hybrid conferences, working from home. And we have integrate the positive aspects that these new habits can have on our lives and in our professions. The demand for video has exploded in this context! During this time we used live video (zoom, google meet, skype, etc…) for our work and training courses, videos on Youtube to homeschool our children, fitness video to do sports at home, learn to knit, make a recipe for the first time. As far as marketing is concerned, companies have stepped up their campaigns on the networks. In order to generate more demand, keep relationships with customers and partners or to avoid being forgotten. But what content can we create at home to showcase our company? In this article we will see 3 types of video that are the easiest to make and the most effective.
UGC videos
This type of content is called User Generated Content in English and is made with your own smartphone or computer camera. As you guessed, this is the easiest and fastest way to make a video. Even if the result is not as professional as with a video company, this technique has the advantage of giving a real and sincere image to your brand. You’ve probably already seen it on social media: some influencer receive a product at home, and shows to the followers the reaction explaining what they think. This is a UGC testimonial!
With the UGC technique you can create a wide variety of content: internal communication videos, employee messages, promotional videos, everything that comes to your mind and can be highlighted by a simple and cozy atmosphere.
Internal communication video
A video aimed at your employees or teammates can also benefit from the UGC format. For example, for internal communications regarding new products or services that will be introduced in the near future. We find news, inspiring content, wishes for the holidays, or to make a review of the last months. We already know the importance of internal communication, and during periods of isolation such as the Coronavirus pandemic. It is even more necessary to make your collaborators feel your support. The UGC method has taught us to create a bond and a sense of solidarity with our employees. They saw their unusual situation shared with the rest of the company. The internal UGC video remains an excellent alternative to the Zoom video meeting, which takes more time and can be a complex format if the size of the company is large.
UGC testimony
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, e-commerce has been very much focused on influencers and their networks. The most effective way to successfully collaborate with a famous web star is to send a product to trial and ask to publish a video with their review. It could be a suit, makeup or a service. The video UGC testimonial will give a reassuring image to your business and this is the easiest way to continue your marketing campaign during the lockdowns. This generates a lot of traffic on your website and an increase sales, because customers trust more in the influencer they like, with whom they can identify, than in the TV ads. On social networks we can see the lives of the characters we prefer, their families, their homes, that’s why we trust them.
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