Video marketing

5 qualities of a successful marketing video

Video content is necessary to its overall value, but successful marketing videos go beyond content. For increase commitment and boost conversion here are 5 qualities of successful video marketing:

You can also take a look on our website  because we are an audiovisual production company in Paris   that makes corporate videos and help companies to increase their traffic on their communication videos . You can also go take a look to our articles page  for some examples.

1.Close-up on a story

Consumers prefer story-based advertising.


Stories convey an emotional aspect and allow you to engage consumers in a way that traditional advertising no longer does. Your goal is to create a story that illustrates how your product or service can have a positive impact on the life of the audience. You want the audience to imagine themselves as the hero of the story, defeat the villain and succeed in achieving their goals.


2.The first 30 seconds are very engaging


Did you know that 30% of viewers will leave a video after watching only 30 seconds? One of the best ways to retain your audience is to ask a question and arouse their curiosity. When you ask a question that they don’t have a clear answer to, they continue to hear the solution. And if you manage to exceed the first three seconds, there is a 45% chance that they will continue to watch the rest of the video.

 3.The target audience is targeted 


The purpose of identifying target audiences is to ensure that your videos are customized to reach them. If you have more than one target market or buyer character, you will need to create different versions of your marketing videos. This not only put your videos in front of the right audience, but also gives you the ability to use analytics tools to test various elements.


For example, you will want to test the display time rates and viewer engagement for each video to determine which ones produce the best results. You can then edit the rest of the videos based on your findings to improve their engagement rate. You may find that some types of customization work well for different target audiences.


Analytics are deeply important to measuring the success of a video. You will be able to see many data on your viewer. If you find out that most of your viewers are using mobile devices, you’ll definitely want to keep that in mind and create videos specifically designed for take-out.

4.Always include a CTA: Call To Action 


Your Call To Action should be cleverly placed at the end of the video. It should encourage users to contact your company and follow your brand on its various social media channels.

5.Tag, tag, tag 


SEO plays a critical role in getting your videos to the right audience. All videos must be tagged with relevant keywords. Also ensure that the title clearly indicates what the video is. It must also include relevant keywords.


Once you’ve finished tagging the video! Also consider placing a detailed summary in the description area. The longer and more detailed the description, the better. If possible, include a transcript of the video audio somewhere on the page. Google and other search engines will explore this content, which will increase the SEO value of your video.


Now it’s your turn! 

 Are you ready to take your marketing video to another level? You can start by integrating the 5 qualities of a successful video marketing listed below.

Our sample videos for our customers:

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EUROSTAR – Destination Avignon – Video add

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FLICHY GRANGÉ AVOCATS – Breakfast – video reportfor a morning group event.

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