Video communication

Brut like videos

Brut videos are ubiquitous on social networks, they are everywhere on Facebook,

impossible not to watch their 2 minutes short videosabout news topics.

They are gradually becoming the new news medium for millennials (Generation Y, those between 18 and 30 years old) who want to be informed quickly about the latest news on their smartphones.

You can also take a look on our website because we are an audiovisual production company that makes videos and helps many companies to generate more traffic with their communication videos with our offer snack content. You can also go take a look to our articles page for some examples.

The ideal format to make the buzz

We explain the Brut videos in some points:

First of all
Brut is a 100% digital, 100% video and, above all, 100% French news medium. It was created byRenaud le Van Kim in 2016 following his dismissal from Canal + (where he had produced the Grand Journal and the Petit Journal) by Bolloré. After this, he decided to create Brut based on media from across the Atlantic such as NowThis or AJ+ but which are however not more than 2 years old.

It is based on a format still rarely used at the time: the short video filled with subs that you can watch on Facebook and Twitter.

  • 100% mobile
  • No website
  • Short format + subtitles
  • Only archive images + interviews + key numbers

The real revolution of Brut comes from its storytelling, indeed, the writing and creation of videos has exploded in the world of social networks.

It’s a great video format, but why?

  • The use ofarchive videos orimage stock.
  • Subtitles everywhere and in various shapes and colors
  • The possibility not to put the sound and still understand
  • A format in 16/9 or 4/3 (squared or vertical)
  • 2 minutes max (see more when it’s important but rare)

These different elements allow the audience to consume content very quickly and especially thanks to this content always current and coming out at times where the audience will be the most receptive, it means:

  • The lunch-break
  • In the evening
  • Not on mondays, it’s better onfridays

Content is most often available on current events and climate issues.

A format so effective that there are many competitors

The success is such that Brut develops and internationalizes by opening offices abroad including the United States. They aim for a global presence as explained by its CEO Guillaume Lacroix « be the world’s leading social media format ».

Brut is thus launching internationally while offering different themes such as Brut Nature, Brut Sports to reach even more people on social networks and especially Facebook, which they are very clearly dependent on.

So there are many to take over and «copy» this success, we can speak of Monkey which is exactly the same as Brut.

Emmanuel Chain, head of Monkey «Brut innovated by creating a social media format».

There is alsoLoopsider which goes into the same type of video proposal as Brut but by betting on the social side rather than the political one.

We can also mention
Gneu thatparodiedBrut by using its codes and its style but using for its subtitles only the word gneu which has the merit of being funny.

Brut is a digital medium on social networks with their videos that surf on the news and with more than 400 million views per month is a phenomenon.

What we propose for companies.

At Il est une fois, we decided to create a format like Brut to develop your business without going through a video shoot but simply using image banks. You tell us your subject and the text you want to insert and we will take care of the rest. It’s fast and can have a direct impact on your social networks.

Our sample videos for our customers:

YouTube player

ACTIV’HA – Influencers – no shooting video.

YouTube player

UNESCO – Global Ocean Science Report 2020. Video grouping many interviews.

YouTube player

REZOXIMO – Become an independent real estate consultant. Video snack content for our real estate partners.

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