7 opportunities to use video in internal communication
How can you communicate without bothering your interlocutor? In a fast-moving world, your teams no longer want to read long pages of internal journals. This is no reason to let the entrepreneurial spirit sink into the forgotten slums of failed projects. We give you 7 opportunities to use the video for internal communication.
You can also take a look on our website because we are an société de production audiovisuelle à Paris qui réalise et aide de nombreuses entreprises a augmenter le traffic de leur communication video. You can also go take a look to our articles page for some examples.
Today, internal communication needs videos. According to a study mad in UK, it is used by 69 % of managers of this sector. But many of them remain frozen on a basic use. What will no longer be your case thanks to these inspirations to help you making a video for internal communication.
Videos about your employees
Photo by Vanilla Bear Films on Unsplash .
Does everyone know exactly what Bernard is doing in his office? And Jeanne at the workshop? The video is a great way to highlight them, which is always nice for them. But it is also used to explain the importance of the various positions and profiles present in your company, which is always useful for the services to work better together.
Interviews, abstracts of their day or short sketchs following specific awards or events will allow to vary the formats.
Write your company’s past and future story
What if a movie was an opportunity to remind everyone how your company was created? Or to ask your collaborators what they know about the subject? This would remind everyone that you are rooted in a history, even if it is recent.
You can also present your projects, from the most utopian to the most concrete. The development phases of a new idea should be shared internally, to generate even more buy-in
Train with explanatory videos
For any new employee or for regular reminders of certain procedures, posting instructional videos, in the form of tutorials, can be useful to facilitate the video for internal communication.
They will also be used when launching a new product or service, so that everyone knows it.
Use your events in corporate films
An end-of-year party, a seminar, a trade show, a sporting event… All these moments of encounter can be filmed and projected. Participants will be happy to see each other on the screen and this is a great way to remember everything they can achieve by working together.
Send summaries for partners
If you have partners (or shareholders) who are not always present among you, send it a video about the highlights of the year, the progress made, the projects. It’s going to be a lot more alive than just numbers and create a little more of a connection between you.
Videos to communicate internally about your values
Your internal videos don’t always have to be focused on what you produce. It’s also an opportunity to remind people that you don’t just think about benefits.
For example, if you support an NGO, a sports or cultural event, you can talk about it, explain why you made the choice and the impact of that organization. And you also have every interest in asking your collaborators to submit their suggestions to go even further in defending your values. A video for internal communication can certainly provide you with the opportunity to create an interaction
Add anecdotes
A pinch of humour and derision can spice up your videos with lightness. Ask your teams about their best (or worst) customers. Without naming, of course. Or a life event that happened to them in your company. About how they envisioned their work before they were confronted with it. On the misconceptions they have about a position that is totally different from theirs.
To free the lyrics, you can also suggest that these videos be made anonymously. This will take nothing away from the power of these anecdotes.
Internal communication video is used to create a link. And few are able to resist the appeal of a film, especially if it only lasts a few minutes. All you have to do is pick from these ideas. Right after answering this question: what would you like to see in a corporate film?
Our sample videos for our customers:
SPIE BATIGNOLLES – Les formations Campus – Reactions of collaborators about the new campus Spie.
COFELY – Presentation of a new internal project by Cofely.
SPIE BATIGNOLLES – Paroles de Proximité – Collaborators talking in front of our camera.